USB sniffer for Windows 98, 98SE, 2000 and Windows XP

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USB sniffer for Windows 98, 98SE, 2000 and Windows XP

This source code has been inspired from a USB sniffer for Windows 98. This sniffer is based on the WDM architecture (Windows Driver Model), which support the insertion of filter between device drivers. And the filter itself is a driver.

Short user manual:

  • Installation : Copy usbsnoop.sys to your system directory (C:\WINNT\system32\drivers)
  • Configuration : Run sniffusb.exe and select the device you want to sniff.
  • Usage : unplug and plug your USB device or reboot the machine.
  • Result : see the generated file under C:\WINNT\usbsnoop.log
The resulting log is pretty big, so you're likely to need a perl script to parse it and extract useful information. Have the USB Specs 1.1 at hand too.

Version 1.1, 2001-03-19

The package is available either in source form or in binary form.

Version 1.2, 2001-07-14

This package is available either in source form or in a precompile form for win2k or win98. This new version has been rewritten to work around some problem, caused by bad written drivers bypassing our USB stack filter.

Version 1.3, 2001-07-15

This package is available either in source form or in a precompile form for win2k or win98. Added some code to display USB endpoint number.

Version 1.4, 2001-11-27

This package is available either in source form or in a precompile form for win2k or win98. Log is now written to the file C:\WINNT\snoopy.log, instead of the debugger. Thus this tool is both faster and more stable. This version eliminate all BSOD present in previous version.

Version 1.5, 2001-12-21

This package is available either in source form or in a precompile form for win2k or win98. Log is now written to the file C:\WINNT\usbsnoop.log, instead of C:\WINNT\snoopy.log. This version solve the last bug remaining in version 1.4, which was the mixing of lines coming from different URB.

Version 1.6, 2003-01-13

This software is available either in source form or in a precompiled form for Windows XP / Windows 2000 / Windows 98 . This version still has some problems, especially regarding the accuracy of the log file. To install this version, you just need to execute the .exe file which is inside the .zip file. It will automatically install the needed .sys files. No reboot is required.

Version 1.7, 2003-01-15

This software is available either in source form or in a precompiled form for Windows XP / Windows 2000 / Windows 98 . This version corrected a bug in the endpoint displaying. It also prints a message at the end of the USB log, which you can use to check if this tools has worked properly or not.

Version 1.8, 2003-01-18

This software is available either in source form or in a precompiled form for Windows XP / Windows 2000 / Windows 98 . This version add the possibility to resize the dialog displaying all your USB devices.

User manual

Do you need a step by step documentation on how to use this software? Then the user manual is for you.

Other tools

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