Programs I'm writing

Programs Speedtouch Project Snoopy Project eciadsl Project The bread recipe Source Mage BeOS My resume My blog Notes Donation
Speedtouch Project
Snoopy Project
eciadsl Project
The bread recipe
Source Mage
My resume
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Programs I'm writing

As I spent lots of time in from of a computer, I wrote some small utilities who could help you. The link under each program gives you access to its C source code.
  • ztalk2

    This small program is in fact an improvement of talk under Unix. The base protocol used by talk can be extented in order to change its name or the name of the machine used as daemon (Talk_Daemon). With this version, we can scroll in the text we are typing and in the text that you partner is writing. Both of those portions of text can be saved into a file. One improvement to do is to use the ntalk protocol that HPs and Linux machines are using.

  • disc

    Allow to give a rought idea of the C source of a program based on its executable in ELF format on SPARC.

  • disc2

    A more elaborated version of the former, it is working on Solaris/Linux and can analyze binaries in Linux, Solaris and DOS format. But this version is easily extensible to lots of other formats, it's just a matter of writing the coresponding module. Works even without symbols table and debugging information. Under DOS, it recognizes debugging information in Borland format. If someone is interested in Microsoft debugging information, they just use to give me the documentation, compiler or binaries.

  • dns

    Exploration of DNS working, this program jumps through DNS server until if finds the desired information.

  • trace

    The very famous trace program for Solaris. Compared to its equivalent, this version display the whole content of all buffers. However, the ioctl() display is somehow chaotic and the signal handling is not properly done (for instance, a simple Ctrl-C may block the trace process forever). This signal handling is now properly done.

  • hptrace

    The very famous trace program for HP-UX. This program works correctly, but the basis technique being step to step, it is VERY slow.

  • traceroute

    This version works under Linux. Compared to traditional traceroute which is using UDP packets (not going through firewalls), this version uses TCP packets. It's fast, the slow part is the name resolution of routers. A new version combining ICMP/UDP/TCP is under study, and a proper timing computation. Thanks to Benoît Timbert for giving me access to his PC with the proper rights for thoses programs.

  • suckd

    This program is a proxy based on the SOCKS protocol. In fact, two SOCKS daemon connected through a simple connection (like telnet) allow to make a bridge between two protected sites, by a firewall for instance. In order to work, it is needed to have a small special telnet daemon.

  • ms2mm

    The middle button of your Microsoft mouse is not working anymore on Linux? Then I may have a solution for you. It's not a great solution, but it's working.

  • decoupe

    The principle is very easy : it cuts large files in order to copy them onto floppies. It does not handle directories, but handles short/long names very well.

  • Yahoo Messenger!

    2000-07-20: Yahoo Messenger! in perl. This version has been tested under Linux RedHat 6.0, but should work under all platforms supporting perl. This program requires MD5 and Crypt::PasswdMD5 modules, and the files online.gif and offline.gif in the current directory.

I also participated into the ReactOS project as well, whose goal is to make a Windows NT clone. In this frame, I wrote some interesting projects:

  • a boot sector . Some versions are written with TASM, others with NASM.
  • In order to write a boot sector on disk, you will also need this tool . This program is working under DOS only and does not handle FAT32.
  • a Win32 loader . This program allos to execute a Windows program in Win32 format directly from DOS. However, DLL loading is not done, so its usage is limited.

Obviously, I have lots of other ideas in mind. You can already browser all available source code .

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