Use of the USB sniffer
Benoît Papillault, 2003-05-21
This documentation is about the 1.8 version of the USB sniffer. This
software is put under the GPL license and downloadable on this web
site. This version is working with Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows
2000 and Windows XP. This version may work with other versions of
Windows, but has not been tested. This version no longer use the tool
dbgview.exe, which was used in earlier versions.
By reading this document, you should be able to record USB exchanges
between a USB device and your Windows system (more exactly, with the
driver of your USB device). You can find a detailed description of the
USB protol of the web site:
The USB sniffer is released under either source code form or
precompiled binary form. In the case you are using the source code,
once compiled, you will get the binary executable whose name is
SniffUSB.exe. In the case of a precompiled binary, you need to
download a .zip file which will contains this very same binary.
There is no specific install procedure. You just need to copy the
file SniffUSB.exe in a directory of your choice.
First use
The file SniffUSB.exe contains driver which will be installed
according to your system when you run SniffUSB.exe for the
first time.
First of all, the USB sniffeur will display a message with the
detected system. In fact, a different driver is used for Windows
2000/XP on one side and for Windows 98 on the other side.

System detection
A dialog box will ask you for confirmation before copying the file
usbsnoop.sys into your system directory (more exactly, this
directory is c:\windows\system32\drivers). Once the file has been
copied, a dialog box will inform you that the copy has been

Confirmation dialog

Copy successfull
Selection of the USB device
The USB sniffer application is dialog based. In the center, a list of
USB device known to Windows is displayed (not all those USB device may
be present). In order to accomodate for a variable number of USB
device present in your system, the dialog box can be resized at
will. As USB devices are designed to be plugged in and plugged out at
any moment, the dialog box content is updated once a second.

Main dialog
To select the USB device you want to sniff, you have to select the
coresponding line and press the Install button. From now on,
the recording of USB exchanges between this USB device and the system
will be activated as soon as the device is plugged in.
Starting the recording
In practice, you can start recording in either two ways:
- software way
This is an experimental method, but if it's working, its advantage is
to avoid to move to get the selected USB cable and plugged it out and
in again. To use this method, you need to press the Replug
button (maybe you need to press it twice).
- hardware way
This method is the only reliable method. To use this method, you need
to unplug and replug the selected USB device.
When the recording starts, the field Log size should increment.
A -1 value means that the log file is absent.
Stopping the recording
To stop recording, you need to:
- Select the USB device
- Press the Uninstall button
- Unplug the USB device or press the Replug button. This
later point is not reliable as said in the previous paragraph.
The size of the log file should stop incrementing.
Reading the log file
To read the log file, press the View button. This will
automatically launch the program associated with the .log
extension. The author's advice is to associate this extension to
Emacs editor.
Deleting the log file
The log file take a huge amount of disk space and, moreover, this file
is created inside the windows directory (the exact file name appears
in the field Log filename). To delete it, just press the
Delete button.