speedtouch project

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Speedtouch Project
Snoopy Project
eciadsl Project
The bread recipe
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en fr

Benoît Papillault, Last update: 2001-12-22


This page is outdated and is kept only for historical reasons, you can find the latest speedtouch driver on sourceforge, at the following address: http://speedtouch.sourceforge.net/.

There are two drivers for Speedtouch USB/330 modem under Linux:


This page gives the status of a GPL driver project, for the ADSL SpeedTouch USB modem made by Alcatel. This driver is for the Linux operating system. A port has been done for *BSD.
Alcatel modem image

Documents from Alcatel

First of all, a brief presentation of this modem by Alcatel. Next, there is an article in French and in English concerning the development of a Linux driver.

Brief technical data

The ADSL line, which comes to your home uses the ATM protocol. This ATM layer is used to carry PPPoA, which carries the PPP layer and the TCP/IP layer. At this stage, you are connected to the Internet, and you can browse your favorite web sites.

Development roadmap

The development of this driver was done in the following steps:
  1. USB packet logging sent by the Windows 2000 driver

    To do so, I use a USB sniffer under Windows 2000 or under Windows 98. The log files are available (as .zip file) on request.

  2. Writing some tools under Linux to understand the behaviour of the modem
  3. Writing a Linux kernel module which will reproduce those log files under Linux. This module should present a consistant ATM interface, which will be used by other components
  4. PPPoA support installation
  5. pppd installation
  6. PPP connection configuration

Download & Installation

You will find relevant information to install this "user-space" driver from the source package. rpm packages are under development.

Some contributions

If you have written a document speaking about the SpeedTouch USB or its installation, you can put your document here (HTML or TXT accepted).



  • User mailing list

    If your are searching for help from other users like you (I'm also subcribed on this mailing list, so it's useless to send an email to the list AND me). This mailing list is for you, you can discuss anything that's related to the SpeedTouch USB modem (off topic are: Windows , NAT configuration, DNS setup, ...). Both French and English are accepted, but not HTML.

    First of all, read the archive of this mailing list before subscribing. Your problem may already have a solution.

    To subscribe to the list, send an email to speedtouch-request@ml.free.fr with subscribe as the subject.

    To send an email to the list, use the address speedtouch@ml.free.fr.

    To unsubsribe, send an email to speedtouch-request@ml.free.fr with unsubscribe as the subject.

  • IRC channel

    If your prefer to get a direct help or would like to discuss design of the driver, there is a channel for you. It is sometimes very active and sometimes it seems every one is sleeping. Be aware that French and English are mixed.

      Server: irc.freenode.net
      Channel: #speedtouch
    Known nicknames:
    • benoit: Benoit PAPILLAULT
    • francois: François ROGLER
    You can also use a mirror of this server.
  • Developer mailing list

    If you would like to join the development team, please contact us. We will move to sourceforge one day, but we already have a cvs server and a dedicated mailing list for the development. We are searching beta testers for OpenBSD/NetBSD. Developers on BeOS or Mac OS X are welcome.

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