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Source Mage GNU/Linux

Benoît Papillault, 22/09/2004

Source Mage ISO version 0.9.2 ppc review

This is a brief list of defects detected on this image.

  1. the CDROM automatically boot after a short period of time which is not long enought to read all the information displayed on the screen. And since this automatic boot use root=/dev/hdb to locate the CDROM, this failed.
  2. the information displayed by the CDROM bootloader says that we can use initrd. This leads to the following error message : initrd: not a valid ELF image.
  3. Once the CDROM started with install root=/dev/hdc, the menu Installation Help complains about a missing file.
  4. In the menu Partition Selection Menu, the field Type is empty.
  5. When formatting a partition, the dialog Check for errors has Yes selected by default. This should be No.
  6. After saving the proposed yaboot.conf file, the following message is displayed : nvsetenv is missing.
  7. Once the installation has been achieved, some unneeded files are present :
    • /root/.bash_history
    • /srv
    • /opt
    • /udev
  8. Once the installer ended, the following message is displayed : errno 2 running rc.
  9. Once the new system starts, the following error message is displayed : portmap not configured.
  10. When activating an ethernet interface using DHCP, ifup complains about dhcpcd missing. However, dhclient is available.
  11. A lot of alien files exist on the installed system. Particularly for the following spells : wget, awk, flex, less and readline. Their origin could be in installwatch bugs. Example of such file : /usr/share/man/man1/pgawk.1.
  12. The therm_adt746x is responsible for handling fan speed according to temperature. This module must be activated on boot. It is not the case.
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