Benoît Papillault's resume

Programs Speedtouch Project Snoopy Project eciadsl Project The bread recipe Source Mage BeOS My resume My blog Notes Donation
Speedtouch Project
Snoopy Project
eciadsl Project
The bread recipe
Source Mage
My resume
My blog
en fr
identity picture

Benoît Papillault

43, rue Bernard Iské 92350 LE PLESSIS ROBINSON
0681408451 -
43 years old, divorced, 1 child (9 years old)

Software architect - Embedded Linux expert
15+ years of experience


Chief Technical Officer

LUCEOR SAS designs and sells solutions based on Mesh routing technology for the video surveillance market.
  • Design of different wireless products – Mesh Wi-Fi router (outdoor, indoor, embedded in vehicle) and associated softwares (SNMP based network management tool, installation tool)
  • Development of hardware products based on OpenWrt, a Linux embedded development environment
  • Integration of Atheros (US) and Ralink (TW) Wi-Fi chipsets drivers
  • Technical team management
  • Recruitment of technical profiles
Language: C/C++ (GNU cross compilation toolchain)
Operation System: Linux (Debian, OpenWrt), Windows XP/Vista
Version control: git, subversion
Bug tracking: mantis
Library: Qt from Nokia, net-snmp
Tools: latex (for customer documentation), NSIS (installer)
AOL France
Computer Project Manager

AOL France, Internet Service Provider, liked to improved the quality of its Internet connection software, particularly at the modem level (Dialup, DSL, ...)
  • Contribution to AOL Europe and AOL US projects
  • Monitoring of tests targeted to selected customers, in relation with Member Services
  • Coordination with Marketing and Legal services for distributing modem drivers in AOL 9.0 CD-ROM content
  • Signed agreement with Smartlink company in order to allow such re- distribution
Language: Perl
Operating System: Windows, Linux (Mandrake)
Database: MySQL
Computer Project Manager

VisualPix SA sells a hardware and software video surveillance platform based on up-to-date video compression technology, in partnership with LaBRI (Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique).
  • Development of the software base including all basic functions for a digital video surveillance system
  • Use of the ALFS Linux distribution for the embedded system
  • Development of a kernel module for temporal decimation, based on Video4Linux API
  • Design of a modular codec API in C used to ease software evolution, Linux/Windows cross platform
  • Development of a PHP web interface for video viewing and administration
  • Development of viewing components (Java applet, ActiveX) for Linux/ Windows
  • Management of a 3 people team
Language: C/C++, Java, PHP
Operating System: Linux (Redhat), Windows XP
Opteway SA
R&D Engineer

Opteway SA, cartographic software editor, designs and sells a localization based services build on an application server as the central component, using a unique vectorial cartographic technology based on internal R&D work.
  • Development of a TCP/IP client under Windows CE
  • Development of a cartographic server under Linux, Compaq Tru64 Unix, Solaris and HP-UX, used to handled localization requests
  • Study regarding WAP terminals in order to convert vectorial maps to WBMP images (bitmap)
  • Development under Windows CE in order to handle Internet connections
  • Replacement of perl based serveur by a modular multithreaded C++ server under Linux
  • Design of an XML interface over a proprietary transfer protocol
  • Tests on multiprocessors Linux machines (32 processors), Solaris (Sparc) machines and Tru64 machines
  • Porting to the HP-UX platform
  • Work done in a team of 2 to 6 people
Language: C++, XML
Operating System: Linux (Redhat), Solaris, Tru64, HP-UX
R&D Engineer

Graphical interface development for the next generation of GSM terminal.
  • Reading of detailed technical specifications
  • Implementation of code responsible for menu handling
  • Test of the SMS part (editing, deleting, sending, receiving)
  • Mission done in a 40 people team
Language: C
Operating System: Solaris
Young Engineer

Development of validation tools for a PABX
  • Use of the existing tool running under MS-DOS
  • Development of graphical interface with Visual C++
Language: C++
Operating System: Windows NT4


  • Technical skills
    • Languages : C, C++, script shell
    • Operating Systems : Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, ...), embedded Linux (OpenWrt), Windows
    • Target processors : Intel x86, AMD 64 bits, PowerPC, MIPS, ARM
    • Development tools : GNU C, GNU C++ , Qt4, autoconf, automake, NSIS, Visual C++, MFC
    • Databases : MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, unixODBC
    • Software configuration management : git, subversion, cvs, perforce, clearcase
    • Modeling Languages : UML, Design Pattern
    • Project Management : MS Project, GanttProject
    • Network : TCP/IP, iptables (firewall), OpenSSH, nagios, SNMP, 802.11 (Wi-Fi), 802.16 (WiMAX)
    • Foreign language : English (fluent)
  • Management skills
    • Coordination of a team of 10 people over Internet
    • Day to day management of a technical team with weekly report
    • R&D project management with industrial and research partners (3 years)


  • ENST de Bretagne (1998) – Computer Science and Network Engineer
  • Rennes I University (1998) – Computer Science Master


MadWiFi Driver
Core Developer

Major contribution to the development of a Linux driver for the Atheros 802.11abg Wi-Fi chipsets.
  • Development of the DFS / 802.11h feature needed to use the 5GHz band in Europe (ETSI) and US (FCC)
  • Design and implementation of a radar detection algorithm
  • AdHoc mode debugging (clocks synchronization at micro second resolution, frequency switch, ...)
LINAC Association
Permanent secretary

LINAC association (Linux Angoulême Charente) goal is to promote the use of Free Software, such as Linux.
  • Participation in organizing various events (First Jeudi, Install Party, ...)
  • General assembly report
SourceMage Distribution

Created in late 2002, the unique feature of this distribution based on source comes from its package management tool, fully written in shell scripts.
  • Implementation of an installer from a booting CD-ROM
  • Work with a team of few people (France, Germany, US)
  • Publication of an article describing the installatin in Planète Linux magazine in December, 2003
  • Release of 11 consecutive versions for Intel processors at the beginning, and then PowerPC and AMD 64 bits
Eci Adsl Driver

Development of a Linux driver for the ECI ADSL USB modem under an Open Source license.
  • Implementation of a first functional version
  • Analysis of USB frames sent by the Windows driver
  • Re-use of source code written during the SpeedTouch project
  • Implementation, tests and documentation of the driver
  • Around 10 people's team
SpeedTouch Driver
Project creator

Development of a Linux driver for the Alcatel USB ADSL Speedtouch modem under an Open Source license.
  • Management of a team (10 people) around a software development project over Internet
  • Implementation of a Windows driver (WDM) in order to analyze USB frames sent by the Windows driver
  • Implementation, tests and documentation of the driver
  • Around 10 people's team
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